Restorative Practices: Grounding, Healing, and Belonging with the Moon


We feel disconnected. We feel anxious, shut down. We don’t know what we feel. We long for safety we can’t find. We can’t sleep. We can’t get enough of what’s bad for us. We don’t know what to eat. We feel our lives are passing us by.

We need to tap into the Moon. 

Looking at your Moon placement by sign, house, and especially aspect, you can deepen into your body’s wisdom and begin understanding your unique patterns for deep restoration. This workshop includes suggested rituals for every Moon sign, and what well-intentioned advice you can ignore!

Originally given on September 30, 2021 for the San Francisco Astrology Society, this workshop includes an audio recording of the two-hour class, plus a 70-page PDF of slides with extra material to help you create your own grounding rituals and meaningful inquiries into your deepest needs.

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