Creative Coaching

Creative Coaching can support you if:

  • You make any kind of art or creative work  

  • You get paid for this creative work

  • You don’t get paid for this creative work

  • You identify as an artist

  • You don’t identify as an artist

  • You want to take your creative practice more seriously

Creative Coaching may not be for you if:

  • You have no time to dedicate to your creative practice right now

  • Your main goals are commercial (how do I make more money from my art?) rather than creative (how do I make the art I’m here to make?). Commercial goals are valid! Just not within the scope of how I can help you. 

Why work with me?

I know how hard it is to make the art you’re here to make, to take yourself seriously, and to call in support for your practice.

I grew up making art, and I knew plenty of kids who stopped when someone told them they weren’t good enough.

I made it all the way to art school before I felt that crushing sense of self-doubt. That was the first time I started to wonder if I was good enough, or if only certain exceptional people got to be artists.

When I graduated I stopped making art entirely for a year. What brought me back was someone asking me to make a block print for a fundraiser—something easy and helpful I could do in an afternoon. Since then I’ve struggled to understand my talents, my mission, and how and when I have the most capacity. I’ve needed to unlearn the (capitalist, misogynist, racist, ableist, etc.) conditioning about whose creative voice matters.

Over the past 15 years I’ve built an art business that continues to thrive, relying on what I’ve learned about the creative process and how to overcome deep blocks.

As a Creative Coach I bring not only my lifetime of experience facing the challenges of making art but my expertise as an astrologer. Working with your birth chart, we can identify your core creative talents (including some that may surprise you). We can also identify what blocks you and create effective strategies so you can connect more deeply with your wellspring of creativity. Over our time together we’ll work with your transits and your goals to craft a custom process that meets your real needs.

Making art can be lonely and daunting.

Even if it’s what you most want to do it can end up the last thing on your list. This is true whether you get paid to make your art or not. All of us rely on support to pull things through, to dig deeper, to sustain the discomfort of not knowing, to take seriously the shaping and fine-tuning. After supporting many astrology clients this way in our sessions, I’ve decided to make it a dedicated offering. 

If you can make the time, I can help you develop your tools.

You bring your creative aspirations and frustrations, I stay attuned to what you’re trying to make and how to best do it. We may explore what your birth chart says about your creative talents and blocks, and we may use timing techniques to pinpoint what’s arising for you right now and how to meet it. Each session is a custom fit for you, so what you most need will guide us.

Coaching Packages



We open our work together with an astrology reading, highlighting hidden creative talents in your birth chart. Together we will write a Creative Biography for you, tracing what your inspirations and joyous practices throughout your life. After discussing your desires and challenges, we’ll take a look at some astrological timing techniques and create a plan for your practice. Allow at least 90 minutes for our time together today.


Here we pay close attention to what’s happening in your practice. We may reassess and revise our plan together, we may support and strengthen what’s working. Our focus here is on what feels juicy, joyous, interesting, and just challenging enough to keep you motivated. We will either continue your current practice or make some adjustments at this point. Allow about 45 minutes for this and following sessions, though we can shorten or extend that as needed.


Something transformational starts to happen by our third session. Your inner blocks have surfaced and we’ve invited them into conversation. As we name and honor them, they begin to collaborate with you. After this week you'll go a little deeper into your process with a new sense of capacity.


By our final session you'll have a transformed relationship to your creative process. You will also have begun something that you can continue—either a new body of work or a new way of approaching your life as a creative human. We can assess in this session if you would benefit from continuing coaching. If we part ways, we take time in the final session to acknowledge your transformational journey and set intentions for your future creative process.



We open our work together with an astrology reading, highlighting hidden creative talents in your birth chart. Together we will write a Creative Biography for you, tracing what your inspirations and joyous practices throughout your life. After discussing your desires and challenges, we’ll take a look at some astrological timing techniques and create a plan for your practice. Allow at least 90 minutes for our time together today.


Here we pay close attention to what’s happening in your practice. We may reassess and revise our plan together, we may support and strengthen what’s working. Our focus here is on what feels juicy, joyous, interesting, and just challenging enough to keep you motivated. We will either continue your current practice or make some adjustments at this point. Allow about 45 minutes for this and following sessions, though we can shorten or extend that as needed.


Something transformational starts to happen by our third session. Your inner blocks have surfaced and we’ve invited them into conversation. As we name and honor them, they begin to collaborate with you. After this week you'll go a little deeper into your process with a new sense of capacity.


With eight weeks together, we have the opportunity to deepen into your new practice. While we may still be working with inner blocks and fine-tuning your practice, this is when you are approaching the core of your work. Our container helps you navigate the anxiety of taking this plunge, holding faith together that you will find what you’re diving for. 


By week five we have created a strong container for you to flow. This week's check-in is often celebratory and doesn't need to last long if your practice is serving you. We can check in any new transits and continue to tweak any part of your process that needs adjusting. By now, you will be deep in your practice and running on your own momentum. 


Often, after we hit our stride we get overwhelmed by the scope of what we're trying to do. This session focuses on how to break down your process into pieces. We’ll maintain presence with what is arising now while keeping an eye on the larger whole. At the end of this session we’ll begin to discuss shaping, finishing, and polishing a final work—all processes that can happen within our container but don’t have to. 


In our penultimate session we'll survey what you've created in our time together so far and begin the process of curating, editing, and refining your work. I'll invite you to assess what's working or not working for you—I don't offer any critique of your work. Together we’ll practice allowing critique in as a guide, not a bully. For your final week of creative practice, you'll curate some of what you made in our time together into something that will live on as a finished work (even if it's not finished yet). 


By our final session you'll have a transformed relationship to your creative process. You will also have begun something that you can continue—either a new body of work or a new way of approaching your life as a creative human. We can assess in this session if you would benefit from continuing coaching. If we part ways, we take time in the final session to acknowledge your transformational journey and set intentions for your future creative process.

Curious? Let’s talk.
Reach out for a free 15-minute call.

Creative Coaching can help you move past what’s blocking you and toward a deep state of flow and engagement. Tell me a little about yourself and I’ll reach out to book a call!